Know How To Clean A Mattress in 6 Easy Steps
Do you remember when you last cleaned your mattress? Maybe that one time when you decided to watch Netflix or invite friends for a dinner party?
Stains, admittedly, are the main reason why people choose to clean their mattresses, however, debris, grease, dead skin cells, and dust mites are also major concerns.
Your habits and activities in bed determine how often you should clean your mattress. If you are using your mattress just for sleeping, then you can clean it seasonally. Dusting and vacuuming your mattress can do much. Just make sure it looks fresh and smells odor free.
If someone is bedridden, or you have kids and pets who eat, drink, and spill things, then certainly you need to steam clean your mattress quite often.
So, how to steam clean a mattress?
Here we have discussed some cleaning steps and tricks to make your mattress look new and fresh. Have a look here -:
- Gather your cleaning supplies
Before you start cleaning your mattress, always check the cleaning guide first. See what the manufacturer has recommended. Check if there are any do’s and don’ts’ that need to be considered.
Secondly, gather all cleaning supplies in one place so don’t have to waste time searching once you get started.
Ready? This is what you need -:
- Vacuum cleaner
- DIY mattress cleaning solutions
- Clean bowl, sponge, towel, and rags
- Spray bottle
- Distilled Water – Cold and Lukewarm water
- Baking soda
- Dish soap
2. Strip the bed
Take off the bed sheets, pillow covers, pillows, duvet covers, and mattress protectors. Collect and put them into the washer in the hottest setting possible.
No need to wash pillows every time in the machine. You can give them a good washing about 4 times a year if their label care instructions allow.
Open the window and air out the mattress before you put on new sheets. This will deodorize your mattress.
3. Vacuum the mattress
Start vacuuming the mattress by using small circular motions to lift off all the dirt, dust, hair, and dead skin. Be sure to go over the nooks and crannies of the mattress because that is where the hardest dust hides.
You can attach the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner. This will give you the strongest suction possible, sucking up all that debris hidden deep in your mattress.
In the case of a memory foam mattress, the softest, gentlest attachment will protect the material cover.
Tip: Did you just notice a strong odor from your mattress? Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda on the mattress before you vacuum. Let it rest for an hour. Then, vacuum away and proceed to the next step.
4. Prepare the Steam Cleaner
Fill the steam cleaner with water and heat it to the boiling point (212 to 250 degrees Fahrenheit) for getting rid of dust, mites, and bacteria. Hold the steam cleaner 2 to 3 inches away from the mattress. Move gently from the corner down to the surface in long strokes.
Make sure that the surface of the mattress is damp and not wet. A wet surface will hold the steamer head close to the surface and may damage the mattress too.
5. Getting rid of stains and other mishaps
Spot-clean every stain that may be on your mattress. No need to invest in expensive detergents or cleaning solutions. You can remove stains with DIY cleaners. Let’s get into the nitty gritty of stain removal -:
Use gentle dish soap or cleaning detergent. Mix it with lukewarm water. Don’t scrub. Gently dab on the mattress by using a fresh sponge to lift off rigid stains.
Urine: Did you just spot a new stain? Pour a small amount of vinegar into the paper cloth or fresh cloth. Dab it gently on the affected area. Let it soak in for an hour. Rinse off the excess with cold water. If there are older stains, it’s time to call professionals for deep mattress cleaning.
Blood: Cleaning blood stains from the mattress is quite a daunting task. You need some strong cleaning agents to lift the blood stains. Always use cold water to blot the area. This will break down the proteins in the blood more quickly than warm water can. Add a few drops of laundry detergent and let it run gently into the area. Now leave your mattress to dry completely.
Wine: To remove wine stains from your mattress, pour distilled water or salt over the affected area. Let it soak in the wine. Dab it over the stain, never rub. Most importantly, treat the wine stain as soon as possible before it gets worse.
- Don’t use a massive amount of cleaning solutions to remove rigid stains. This can damage your mattress and may create mold owing to too much moisture.
- Clean stains one at a time. Start with the smaller ones first.
- To disinfect your mattress, spray 70% rubbing alcohol before you start spot cleaning.
6. The Drying Process
After steaming the mattress, flip your mattress on both sides to get it deep cleaned. Let your mattress naturally. Open the windows, turn on the fans, and let dry sunlight fall on your mattress – the more, the better.
Make sure no amount of moisture seeps inside the fibers. If you detect moisture, your mattress needs more drying time.
You can pour a mix of a small amount of baking soda, essential oils (of your choice), and water into the spray bottle. Use lavender or chamomile essential oils to calm your mind and get sound sleep.
The Final Words
Mattress cleaning need not be too challenging and complex. And it should also not be as expensive as you think. All you need is a good vacuum cleaner, DIY cleaning solutions, and mattress cleaning tips to get your job done efficiently.
Our cleaning and maintenance guide will help you keep dirt, debris, dead skin cells, and spots at bay without breaking a sweat.
However, if you are hard-pressed for time, then you can easily hire Seaside Carpet Cleaning for a steam cleaning mattress. Our professionals will make your mattress look as good as new.
Give us a call now and get a free quote today!